FAQs – Individual Coaching

Listed are frequently asked questions about our individual coaching services.  Please contact us below if you cannot find the answer to your question.

Q: What is your coaching philosophy?

We use our coaching philosophy to steer us in the best direction that best serves you.

Our Coaching Philosophy

-You are a unique, special individual and this warrants a personalized experience.
-We strive to assist you in your continued progress and not seek perfection.
-We coach all “pillars of sport”.  The physiological, psychological, tactical and technical pillars.
-We believe progress will be made through belief and attitude.
-We will be relentless in the quest for knowledge.
-We believe that the quality of training is not defined by the quantity of training.

We invite you to contact us directly to learn more about our services and what we can do for you. We will happily provide additional information such as samples of training plans, discuss our philosophy in more detail, and give you opportunities to speak with current Endeavor Performance athletes to learn about their experience with us.

Q: Who are the athletes you work with?

When working with an athlete to build a personalized training plan, there are goals to meet.  Usually the goals are centered around an event, a race or a competitive season.  So if you ride a bicycle and have an endeavor to reach, we believe our coaching service is worth considering.

Q: Why would I need a coach if I don't race?

Cycling is much more than racing a bike.  Whether if your goal is to gain cycling fitness or participate in an event, we firmly believe hiring a coach is a wise investment to help accomplish your goal.  An effective coach will map out a plan that takes into consideration your life’s schedule ensuring all prescribed training has a purpose.  Offering an objective point of view based on knowledge and experience, an effective coach will place you in the best position to succeed.

Q: What defines a good athlete to coach?

We believe there are three important traits an athlete needs to develop or possess to be a good athlete to coach.  One, the athlete needs patience.  Patience to allow the process to take root.  Two, the athlete needs belief.  Belief in the process is very important.  Three, that athlete needs to be committed.  Committed to be consistent in his or her training.

Q: Do you work with triathletes?

Yes.  We are specialists in the sport of cycling and believe we can effectively assist triathletes to meet their cycling goals.   We will not pretend to be your primary triathlete coach, but a consultant to complete or decrease your bike split.  In fact, we usually find ourselves working along side an athlete’s primary coach.

Q: What does it mean to be a USAC Level I Coach?

Level 1 or Expert level is USA Cycling’s highest level of coaching certification.  Though Todd takes pride in his certification level, his aim to provide a personalized and effective experience.  Coupled with his experience, he feels his coaching service continues to be the best available.

Q: What is the concept of periodization?

The format of this training schedule is based on the concept of periodization. Periodization is the organization of an athlete’s training into distinct periods (in this case series). Each series focuses to improve specific physiological abilities that are appropriate for the time of season. Within each series the principles of progressive overload (a steady increase in training load), recovery (rest to allow for improvement) and specificity (training mimics goal events) are used.

Q: Do I need a power meter to be coached?

Absolutely not. Athletes were coached long before power meters were invented.  We would bring you into the studio to conduct a benchmark test.  From there we could leverage heart rate data or your RPE (rate of perceived exertion) to establish training zones.

Q: What are the benefits of having a power meter?

There are a number of benefits from riding with a power meter.  A power meter…

– Precisely quantifies the intensity of your training and racing. No other training tool can come close.
– Standardizes communication and demands accountability between athlete and coach.
– Provides a objectionable method of tracking progress.
– Makes training and racing more enjoyable.


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