Why Work Along Side a Coach?

Some athletes who are self-coached have been successful; however, it can be difficult for many athletes, especially people with busy schedules who do not have the time to plan out a training program or need feedback to correct some skill deficiency.  Some athletes opt to purchase a book that offers a training plan. That can be done, however, the particular training plan used from the book will not be able take into account an athlete’s uniqueness in terms of fitness background, currently abilities/weaknesses, time restraints, illness, injury or other disruptions.

An effective coach can provide you four benefits: efficiency, knowledge, objectivity and inspiration.

It is the rare individual who can manage home, work and social life as well as maintaining a training schedule. This may work for general fitness, but it is much more difficult when training for specific events. The planning, goal-setting and interaction with a professional coach gives you the guidance, structure and performance evaluation you need to succeed.

Objectivity is another benefit of coaching. A coach can objectively diagnose problems that are impacting your performance. For example, if you are struggling during the season, you may have difficulty determining the cause of the problem, but it might be clear to your coach.

A coach might notice you’re not resting enough, or may recognize the need for a diet modification. Even more commonly, your coach may point out your expectations are unrealistic for your current stage of development. With an impartial perspectives, a coach can often discern issues athletes overlook.

A coach can be a great source of inspiration. Never underestimate the tremendous psychological benefit an effective coach can provide. No matter how dedicated and committed you are, sooner or later, you’ll need some inspiration. Cycling is a very difficult sport and there are numerous obstacles every cyclist must face. These include injury, illness, difficult training and racing conditions, uncertainty and a lack of confidence, especially when things are not going well.

A coach can help motivate you during these difficult times. A coach can be a source of strength, a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board and a friend. A coach will also hold you accountable. You may buy the excuses you make but a good coach never will.

Experienced cycling coaches have a tremendous amount of knowledge. This can be helpful because competitive cycling is a complex sport. There are many variables that impact your success including the bike itself, bike fit, position on the bike, bike handling, year-round training regimen, diet, motivation, rest and recovery, choice of racing discipline and race selection.

A good coach can be very helpful when it comes to developing a training plan, improving your cycling skills and dealing with problems such as performance plateaus.

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