Frequently Asked Questions – Training

Listed are frequently asked questions about our training program.  Please contact us below if you cannot find the answer to your question.

Q: What is special about Endeavor Performance?

The studios of Endeavor Performance are the only fully-dedicated, boutique indoor cycling studios in Tennessee.  Both studios use sophisticated magnetic bike trainers (CompuTrainer) that are leveraged by numerous computer software packages (RacerMate One, Real Course Video, ErgVideo, PerfPRO Studio and PerfPRO Analyzer).  The trainers are one of the most accurate power meters available.  Because of this, the classes are all based on wattage or specifically an athlete’s functional threshold in power.

The workouts are custom built and tailored to help you get the most out of your workout.  The studios offer a friendly, relaxed, safe and team-oriented environment to enjoy group training at its best.  Our team of instructors have been carefully selected for their passion, dedication, energy, respect and amazing personalities.  At Endeavor Performance, we’re committed to offering you the best indoor cycling has to offer.

Q: How does the training differ from spinning or the new trendy indoor cycling?

There are many differences between Endeavor Performance training sessions and spin classes or the new trend “indoor cycling” classes.  The overriding objective of any Endeavor Performance session is enhance your outdoor cycling.  We accomplish this by creating training sessions that strengthen the physiological systems that will be primarily relied upon during your outdoor cycling.  We believe a session at Endeavor Performance is the next best thing to training outside.

  1. You ride your bike. We believe in order to obtain the cycling-specific training needed, as a triathlete and cyclist, you must train on your own bike.
  2. Endeavor Performance training sessions focus on muscular and aerobic endurance.  Physiologically cycling is a primarily a combination of muscular strength and aerobic conditioning.  Depending on the type of riding you do, 80 to 90% of your training/riding/racing will be primarily aerobic.  Most spinning and the new “indoor cycling” classes are structured to be much more of an anaerobic workout.   Though, training the anaerobic spectrum isn’t a bad thing, those classes just aren’t as effective in terms of improving your outdoor cycling.
Q: How does the training differ from what some bicycle shops offer?

It is true that some local bike shops offer some sort of indoor training, but this isn’t the primary function of those bike shops. This isn’t to say that those bike shops don’t care or don’t try; they just don’t immerse themselves to become an expert coach or invest in the best technology to give you the most effective training experience possible.  We pride ourselves of offering specialized services and believe our ambition to be experts does make a difference.

Q: How effective is the training?

Even if you ride outdoors often, you’ll obtain a higher level of fitness from Endeavor Performance’s regimented indoor training. You ride your own bike, set up on a lab quality CompuTrainer (+-2.5% accuracy), in a small group setting that provides both group motivation and an individualized workout at your own pace.

For each 1.5-hour session, Todd Nordmeyer structures the training to be power based focusing on wattage and cadence. The training regime also includes performance testing, simulated racing and virtual course reconnaissance.  In previous three-month training periods, most athletes have seen increases of 10 to 20% in their 20-minute power output.

Todd’s coaching also targets each rider’s bike form and position, helping to ensure energy efficiency and comfort while riding. Most indoor training sessions last 1.5 hours, with each series consisting of 4-5 sessions. Most series are appropriate for riders of all skill levels.

Q: I have never participated in this type of training. Will I be able to keep up?

Absolutely!  The software technology we leverage allows for non-competitive group training in which each athlete performs at his own level based upon their threshold wattage.  Technically this is done by training in ergometer mode – a mode that accurately applies resistance and measures the power production (work/time).   We enter each athlete’s threshold value in watts and then create a special “time-versus-percent threshold” workout for the athlete to follow.  So each rider will be training at their personal workload in the setting of a motivating group session.

Q: Is the training suitable for the cycling enthusiast?

Absolutely!  Even cycling enthusiasts want to be stronger, faster and more confident on the bike.  Many of our existing clients are enthusiasts – athletes that compete against themselves or have a fun competitive side against their riding partners.  So, whether you want to achieve a personal best or be in the “A” group, our structured training sessions will enhance your outdoor riding.

Q: How will the training benefit me as a competitive cyclist?

We believe competitive cyclists, more than any other group, would benefit the most from our training regime.  The sport of competitive cycling demands a lot physiologically; you must be a powerhouse of aerobic, anaerobic and neuromuscular potential.  We believe there are two ways to supplement your training in becoming a powerhouse as such.  One, train with athletes that are stronger than you and two, to supplement your training with structured intervals. When performing the latter, the concern should be placed on the effort quality of the intervals and not the effort quantity.  Our training sessions are all interval based implemented with our knowledge. Coupled with the training environment will ensure the highest quality training you can receive.

Q: What do I bring to an indoor session?

Bring your bike!  Also come with cycling-appropriate workout attire, cycling shoes, two water bottles and a towel.  Our recommendation is to also bring nutrition in terms of calories such as a gel or nutrition bar.  Lastly, bring your Garmin or Polar heart rate monitor strap.  Our equipment allows us to interface with those brands.

Q: What amenities are provided?

Both studio locations offer private changing areas, bathrooms, towels, water and storage for your personal belongings.  We even have showers!!

Q: Do you work with triathletes?

We most certainly do!  We work with triathletes with all aspects of the sport of cycling.  Although our training sessions focus on the physiological aspect, we work with triathletes to improve the psychological, technical and tactical aspects as well.  The primary goal of our training sessions is to increase power output for a given sustainable effort level for a given distance.    We believe this goal is in perfect alignment with the triathlete’s performance goal – to increase speed for a given sustainable effort.

Q: How many times a week should I attend?

It depends on your goal(s) and self-discipline.  Generally speaking, to maintain or increase your cycling fitness you should dedicate at least two to three days per week to cycling during the months of November and April and at least three times per week during the months of May and October.

We offer packages to either attend once or multiple times per week.  If coming to our sessions twice a week ensures you make the time to be on the bike then our recommendation is to come twice or more per week.  If you are self-disciplined enough to make time on the bike outside of our sessions, then once per week will suffice.



Q: What does 'train with power' mean and how can it help me?

Training with power means measuring or objectively quantifying what happens in the muscles during workouts.   As the muscles produce work and the rate at which they do the work (power), the heart has to respond to their needs.  The heart’s response is just that – a response to the muscles needs.  Heart rate isn’t a true reflection of the output of the muscles.  Power is the true output.  In fact, what happens in the muscles during workouts, not the heart, is really the key to your success.

Q: What is meant by threshold wattage or functional threshold power (FTP)?

Many of you are comfortable with the notion of training by heart rate.  Using a reference point, heart rate zones are created to train within.  Training by power is much like this.  The reference point used in calculating power zones is called threshold wattage or one’s FTP (functional threshold power).  The reference point for power comes from the work of Andy Coggan, PhD. One’s FTP is the power you would average with your highest possible effort during a 60-minute period.

All of the custom workouts at Endeavor Performance use the FTP reference point.  We periodically conduct a performance test to estimate your threshold wattage.

Q: How much water should I consume?

Our recommendation is to follow the guidelines put forth by American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM).  In particular, we reference the position statement in the following publication:

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise:  March 2009 – Volume 41 – Issue 3 – pp 709-731

Although the ACSM guidelines are sound and effective, your individual needs must be emphasized.  You should always ensure that you know what works best for yourself by experimenting with new foods and beverages during practice sessions and planning ahead to ensure you will have access to these foods at the appropriate time

Summary of key points:

Before Session Hydration
– At least 4 h before exercise, individuals should drink approximately 5-7 mL·kg−1 body weight (∼2-3 mL·lb−1) of water or a sport beverage.

During Session Hydration
– Beverages containing 6%-8% carbohydrate are recommended for exercise events lasting longer than 1 h
– The goal of drinking during exercise is to prevent excessive (>2% body weight loss from water deficit) dehydration and excessive changes in electrolyte balance to avert compromised performance. Because there is considerable variability in sweating rates and sweat electrolyte content between individuals, customized fluid replacement programs are recommended. Individual sweat rates can be estimated by measuring body weight before and after exercise

*Our recommendation is to consume 20-24 oz each hour of training.  Most bottles are 20 to 24oz so a bottle an hour!  Both studios offer free filtered water so there’s no reason to conserve

Post Session Hydration
– Rapid and complete recovery from excessive dehydration can be accomplished by drinking at least 16-24 oz (450-675 mL) of fluid for every pound (0.5 kg) of body weight lost during exercise

Q: What is recommended to eat before, during and after a session?

Our recommendation is to follow the guidelines put forth by American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM).  In particular, we reference the position statement in the following publication:

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise:  March 2009 – Volume 41 – Issue 3 – pp 709-731

Although the ACSM guidelines are sound and effective, your individual needs must be emphasized.  You should always ensure that you know what works best for yourself by experimenting with new foods and beverages during practice sessions and planning ahead to ensure you will have access to these foods at the appropriate time.

Summary of key points:

Before Session Nutrition
– 200 to 300 g of carbohydrate for meals consumed 3-4 h before exercise.

During Session Nutrition (relative to 1.5 hour or longer training session)
– carbohydrates (approximately 30-60 g·h−1) for maintenance of blood glucose levels.

Post Session Nutrition
– A carbohydrate intake of approximately 1.0-1.5 g·kg−1 body weight (0.5-0.7 g·lb−1) during the first 30 min and again every 2 h for 4-6 h will be adequate to replace glycogen stores.
– Including protein, post-exercise, may provide needed amino acids for muscle protein repair and promote a more anabolic hormonal profile.

Q: Can I share my sessions with another?

You cannot share your sessions or transfer your sessions to another person.  Please see our Policy & Guidelines.

Q: What is your cancellation policy?

You may cancel a class up to 6 hours in advance to receive a full credit. Extenuating emergencies are always taken into consideration. If the weather makes it unreasonable for us to open, we will notify you by email and Twitter as soon as that determination is made. And of course, full credit will be given.  Please see our Policy & Guidelines for further explanation.


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